Special Occasions Limousine uses Social Media to communicate with many of our customers. Facebook is just one of the platforms that we use to deliver content to our followers. Special Occasions Limousine is on Facebook and currently has 234 followers. We hope that you will also share our page with your friends and family. We look to engage our audience in industry related topics. Please visit our Facebook page. Post often and comment frequently. We want to hear from you. Its our goal that we expand our reach on Facebook to over 300 followers by the end of February. We know we can do it with your help. The URL of our Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/specialoccasionslimousine. You can also click on any Facebook icon to access our social media page.
Special Occasions Limousine realizes that social media involves more then increasing the amount of followers or fans that you have. Its all about engagement through Content. When it comes to social media platforms, its all about the content. Yes, you can capture the attention of viewers by posting funny cartoons or cat videos, but that only lasts so long. Focusing on posting content that is going to add value to your followers is "key" to the success of your business page, regardless of which platform you decide to use.
What exactly is Content Marketing? In Layman's terms “Content marketing is a way for a business owner to educate your customers and potential customers about your products and services,”. The goal is to offer tips, help and education about anything that can be helpful to a customer. This kind of information can be shared in the form of blog, whitepaper, webinar, video or social post. The opportunities are endless.”
We will post often to our Facebook page. We realize you can follow any business on social media, that is why we appreciate the fact that you have selected us. Which we do not take lightly. Each of our Facebook followers is a valued customer or a potential customer. If there is anything you would like to learn about, or something you disagree with, feel free to post your comments to our Facebook page. Special Occasions Limousine would like you to leave testimonials on our social media page or website blog. Please feel free to share the articles, posts, pictures, or videos from our Facebook page. We encourage social media engagement.
Please check our website blogs often, and feel free to leave a comment. We look forward to engaging you in conversation.
New Facebook Terminology - What Social Media Marketers need to know!